Author: Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway
Almost everything in this book was abut miracles which I don't see them happening around me. The book talked about a man named Liu Zhenying (better known as Brother Yun) who faced persecution physically and mentally in China as he spread the Gospel. It was amazing to read how God had actually used his mother whom had only received little education and heard a little about Jesus to lead Br. Yun to Christ. Br. Yun and his family were desperate as they tried many ways to cure his sick father. The doctors even told them it was hoepless. However, Br. Yun's mother actually gathered her children and told them to pray to Jesus and asked Him to save their father. With simple faith, they prayed to Jesus. Miraculously, their father was healed completely in the name of Jesus. From that day onward, Br Yun had committed his life to the Lord and was determined to spread the gospel. During his mission, he faced a lot persecution from the authorities and relatives. He was brutally beaten and the guards even used electric batons to beat him. Behind all these cruel scenes, God actually used him to spread the gospel to the prisoners. During his sentence, he even fasted for 74 days. His wife, Deling, and children also faced a lot of persecution from relatives and friends but the Lord was always with them.
There are some quotes in the book which really opened my eyes for example;
If I were in Br. Yun's shoes, I would have asked Jesus to take away persecution. But thank God for reminding me that the life of a true disciple of Christ is not easy. From the first page to the last, miracles after miracles happened. The book also mentioned that some Westerners even asked the author why such miracles hardly happened in their country. I can't remember how exactly Br. Yun answered them but he explained that life has been so easy and they lack of nothing. Therefore they become materialistic and they back slided.
After reading this remarkable testimony, I realised that I'm a person of little faith. I've been a Christian for a long time but I've never share the gospel to others. I pray that I'll be fire up for God's mission by His grace.