Tuesday, September 25, 2007


When others made a mistake, they will tell you that all human make mistakes.
When you made a mistake, others will scold you for being so stupid for making such mistakes.
When others are late for an occasion, their reasons are not excuses but logic and acceptable.
When you're late for an occasion, your reasons are excuses to cover up your irresponsibility.
When others forgot to do something, they say that they are busy and there's too many things in their minds.
When you forgot to do something, no matter how busy or how many things you've in mind, you are irresponsible.
When others do not know how to solve a question, they say that they forget the method and they are not stupid. They just FORGOT, not 'don't know'.
When you don't know how to solve a question, you're stupid because you're not supposed to forget anything you've learned.
When others did something wrong, they expect you and you must forgive them.
When you did something wrong, they will not forgive you.
When you did something wrong to others, you MUST apologized to them.
When others did something wrong to you, they have the right to refuse to apologize to you.
The above situation sometimes happened to me.
Strange, isn't it? Sigh..........

Monday, September 24, 2007

Movie Review

High School Musical 2. Watched it when it was first shown on Disney Channel. It was a delay to be blogging about this but I was lazy to blog for the last few days. =D
The movie was bo...ring!!!! The movie has a really similar plot to part 1. Troy and Gabriella in love. Both had great plans for summer. Sharpay stepped in to destroy their relationship. Troy borke Gabriella's heart. Troy and his buddy, Chad, had some argument. Troy realised his mistakes and repented. Sang with Gabriella and made peace with all his buddies. Sharpay's plans was backfired. Then, everyone sang together. The end!
I felt the movie was also quite similar to Bollywood's style. Singing in middle of no where. Sharpay's character was exaggerating. The movie was too fantasy. Unsuitable for me. Hahaha... In a nutshell, the movie was just plain and dull.
Even though the movie was BORING, I have to give credit to them for their dances and singing. The songs, still not too bad and the dance moves were good.
Ok songs, good dances but boring plot.
*All HSM fans will throw eggs at me if they read this. Hahahaha...!!!!*

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Yes! I worry a lot. I'm sure I'm not the only who worry.
Parents worry that their children might be bullied.
Teachers worry that their students will not do well in exams.
Employees worry that they might get fired next after one colleague was fired.
Before exams, I worry that I will not finish revising on time.
During exams, I worry that I wrote my name wrongly or read the questions wrongly.
After the exams, I worry that the examiners will not accept my answers or I worry that my results are poor.
I worry that I will be a burden to my parents as the tuition fees in Uni is costly.
I worry that I will not be able to cope with uni life.
I worry that I will not get a job and PR in Aus after graduation.( I haven't even started uni and I worry about these things already!! =P)
I worry that I will not fit into my clothes if I eat too much.
When complaining to my mom, my mom always told me, if worry can solve the problem, go on worrying, but since worry cannot solve problems, so why worry?
Logic! But I still worry most of the time.
Elaine Bong Ling Ling!!! Why are you worrying when you have Jesus in your heart?

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?... So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'For the pagans run after all these things, and you heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own."
-Matthew 6:25-34 -
So I must not worry but rather place my faith in God. I must be a prayer warrior of God, not "worrier".

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


人 之 初

果 果: 来, 果 果 教 你 念 三 字 经!

妹 妹: 哦!

果 果: 人 之 初, 性 本 善。

妹 妹: 人 之 初, 性 本 善。

果 果: 师 教 书, 你 捣 旦。

妹 妹: 师 教 书, 你 捣 旦。

果 果: 考 试 时, 你 偷 看。

妹 妹: 考 师 时, 你 偷 看。

果 果: 成 绩 考 个 大 鸡 蛋!

妈 妈: 你 这 坏 蛋, 要 教 坏 妹 妹 啊!( 拿 藤 条 打 果 果〕

刑 状 不 同

妹 妹: 唔! 我 不 吃 鸡 蛋!

妈 妈: 孩 子 们, 有 新 鲜 鸡蛋 糕 吃 耶!

妹 妹: 耶! 我 要 吃 多 多 鸡蛋 糕!

果 果: 你 不 是 说 不 吃 鸡 蛋 !

妹 妹: 我 又 没 有 看 到 鸡 蛋 在 里 面 啦!

果 果: 。。。

青 蛙 王 子

从 前, 有 一 位 王 子, 应 为 不 小 心 说 错 了 一 句话 而 被 邪 恶 的 巫 婆 变 成 一 只 青 蛙。 要 等 到 有 公 主 肯 吻 它 之 后 才 得 以 破 解 curse。 话 说, 邻 国 有 一 位 爱 幻 想 的 公 主, 因 为 小 时 候 被 母 亲 影 响, 希 望 有 一 天 也 可 以 像 母 亲 那 样 遭 到 心 目 中 的 王 子。 直 到 有 一 天, 她 在 森 林 闲 逛 时, 碰 到 了 一 只 奇 怪 的 大青 蛙。 于 是, 公 主 便 不 假 思 索 的 抱 起 大 青 蛙 狠 狠 的 吻 了 下 去。 就 在 这 时, 令 人 惊 讶 的 奇 迹 发 生 了。 原 来 被 cursed 的 是 非 洲 某 部 落 的 土 王 子! 可 怜 的 公 主。
公 主: 救 命 啊! 我 不 要 嫁 给 你!!!

Typing Chinese characters is tedious!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

For Such a Time as This

Title: For Such A Time As This

Author: Lisa Ryan

This book is recommended for girls, not boys. =D Lisa Ryan, the former beauty peagant of one of the states in the USA used the book Esther from the Bible to tell the girls how God can use them to extend His kingdom and how to live a Godly life as a lady. All girls should really read this book!

Facing the Giants

I watched the movie 'Facing the Giants' at Bethany Youth Centre on the 25th Of August. The beginning of the movie wasn't interesting because I could not really understand what it was talking about. But as I continue watching the movie, I was really touched by the storyline.
The movie was about an American football coach who faced trials one after another and how he eventually surrendered his sorrows and frustrations to God. The scenes that touched my heart were:
  • how the coach encouraged a player who thought that it was impossible to crawl 50m across the field carrying another player weighing 160 pounds. The player eventually crawled from one end to the other of the field using his hands and feet while carrying his teammates on his back.
  • the coach's wife, together with her husband, had longed for a child of their own but somehow she couldn't conceived because of her husband's physical problem. Despite her disappointment, she cried out to God that she chose to believe that God had better plans for her.

The funny scene in the movie was when the assistant coach guided a player to kick the ball accurately. He used Bible stories to guide the player to kick the ball correctly. The way he explained was really hilarious. Application of Bible teachings!

From the movie, I realised that Christians should not let the giants in our life to rule over us. No matter how tired, disappointed or frustrated we are, we should always focus on God, making Jesus the centre of our life. Good time or bad times, we should focus on Him alone because He's our refuge and strength.

This movie is a good Christian movie. I think it will be great if non Christians watch the movie. MYF will be showing the movie one of the Saturday. I'm so glad I've watched the movie first!!! Muahahaha...!!! I really recommend everyone to watch the movie. This movie also reminded me of the song sung by Don Moen.


Lord You seem so far away / A million miles or more it feels today/ And though I haven't lost my faith/ I must confess right now/ That it's hard for me to pray/ But I don't know what to say/ And I don't where to start/ But as You give the grace/ With all that's in my heart/ I will sing I will praise/ Even in my darkest hour/ Through the sorrow and the pain/ I will sing I will praise/ Lift my hands to honour You/ Because your word is true/ I will sing/ Lord it's hard for me to see/ All the thoughts and plans you have for me/ But I will put my trust in You/ Knowing that you died to set me free/ But I don't what to say/ And I don't know where to start/ But as You give the grace/ With all that's in my heart

Tubby, my dog

Tubby is my dog's name. He will turn five in December 2007. He's black, brown and white. Good colour combination. He really likes spaghetti. If he sees us eating, he'll surely look at us with innocent eyes, hoping that we will give some to him. Greedy dog!!! At certain times, he will run around the garden really fast like a mad dog. He's very picky on food. Doesn't like vegetables, but strangely he doesn't get constipation. Maybe dogs have different digestive system from humans. When he was a pup, he destroyed almost everything. He destroyed my dad's green plant, my mom's orchid which was blooming, the slippers, my socks, the pandan plants in the garden and etc. Thank God he is no longer that crazy now. He barks whenever he sees strangers and even caught two mice.

On Sunday, 2nd September, he drank the cooking oil which my mom left on the floor of the wet kitchen!!! We were so worried that the oil would clot his arteries. Dad even prayed for Tubby's health that night. Hahaha... He seems fine today.

Tubby, a dog that made the family love him and hate him at the same time.