Monday, February 11, 2008

First Day of "Independence"

I toured around Adelaide with Lillian. I'm so thankful to her as she spend some time to bring me around the city. I went to deposit cash in HSBC and found out that we don't have to fill in forms if we back in cash. Went to get my visa sticked to my passport and applied for Tax File Number. Too bad I couldn't get my work permitt done as I have not started my lessons yet. I also got myself a library card which I can borrow books, DVDs, CDs, magazines and access to internet for free. And guess what, the membership fee is free of charge even though I'm an international student. Can imagine the benefits given to the South Australians. Lillian brought me to WORD which sell all sorts of Christian materials. It's like Crossway or Trinity Bookroom back in Kuching but with more books. I am really grateful for Lillian. Otherwise, I would be bored and not get most of my things done.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending Lillian to bring me around the city and get things done. Thank you for blessing my parents with a safe and smooth journey back to Kuching. Thank you for protecting everybody. Glory and honour be unto You!!!!
In Jesus Name I pray,

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