Friday, May 2, 2008

Barbeque? =P

I went for the SAPSA barbeque lunch today. It was free!!!!=D Managed to bring back two canned drinks. Muahahahaha.... It seems that barbeque is a popular thing in Australia. Almost all the gatherings I went to were barbeques. Begin to get sick of it. Barbeque is not good for health too. =D During the barbeque, I saw a terrible scene. I saw an Aussie guy throwing onions not into the dustbin but on to the ground!!!! I couldn't believe it. I thought Aussies are good citizens. I guessed it is the same everywhere. There are litterbugs everywhere except for Singapore (I think....litterbugs are heavily penalised). I miss home, miss the food, miss my parents, miss Tubby, miss Astro, miss badminton matches, miss DVDs, miss kopitiams, miss the warmth of Kuching and church. =( I miss everything back home. I want Astro!!!! I want to watch badminton!!!! I want to watch Olympics!!!! I want to watch Singapore series!!!! =D

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