Saturday, March 1, 2008

I want Sarawak LAKSA!!!!

Yesterday the Nyonya kitchen at my residential cooked Sarawak Laksa. When I saw the students eating laksa and when I smell the fragrance, I realised that I really miss the food back in Kuching. It also made me think of teh-c-peng, kueh chap, kolo mee, char kueh, chai kueh and the list just goes on. =P I think when I get back to Kuching, I must stuff myself with all these food. =D Last night, I went to the BBQ gathering at Josephine's church which is New Life Christian Community(NLCC *sounds a bit like KLCC*hehehehe....). The food was amazing. There was fried mee hoon, fried rice, satay with peanut sauce(super delicious, yummy), salad, barbecued sausages and chicken breast meat(super delicious too as the chicken is sweet and tender). The adults were very friendly and Pastor Chris and Auntie Sue went around serving the peanut sauce and satay. After food there were games and quiz about our knowledge on world history and Aussie History. Overall, I had a great night. Met a lot people who are friendly. Praise God for them.

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