Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Orientation for pharmacy students

I went to City East Campus for the last two days. Got to meet more Malaysians(there are 44 students doing pharmacy under JPA scholarship), two Australians and a Taiwanese. On the 25th Feb, the school gave us a briefing on the security, the services provided by Learning Connection and the library which were a repeat of last Tuesday's orientation. Later on was free BBQ lunch at Reid Lawn courtesy of the School. I thought there will be chicken wings, sausages, beef or lamb. To my surprise, there were only sausages, slices of white bread, BBQed onions, slices of something =D and canned colas. Better than nothing. After lunch was a tour around the Campus. I cabut after the tour as I have enrolled in my courses. The next day of orientation was pretty much the same as the 25th of Feb. The course coordinators gave information about the course they teach. There was a tour to the biology and chemistry laboratory before heading to Reid Lawn again for lunch. This time, the lunch was courtesy of the South Australia Pharmacy Student Association(SAPSA). Had two slices of pizzas and a can of Sunkist. Pizzas are were nice. Yummy.... At 1:30pm, I headed to Playford building to attend a workshop on how to make full use of the computer barns in UniSA. For my session, I think I was the only Malaysian present. =P That concluded my orientation in UniSA. No more honeymoon for me as I will be in a war starting next week. Please pray for me to have strength and wisdom from God. May I graduate with super flying colours and bring glory to God and my family!!!! Hehe....

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