Sunday, February 24, 2008

Free Air Condition?

On the way to church today, somebody asked my brother and me whether we are getting used to the food and weather in Adelaide. Our answers were , of course, positive. =D(Asian style, I think, you only give good comments and hide the bad ones...hehe) Then the person commented that we can take the cold weather here since we are adapting well and he even added that the cold weather here is free air condition. Hahahaha....quite true actually. In Kuching, we have to pay to get a cooling atmosphere. Here, it's FOC!!!!(Free Of Charge) Shall enjoy the cool weather but the air is too dry. =P The only good thing about dry air is that your clothes get dry faster. Apart from that, there is nothing good about dry air. My lips and my skin is cracking. Looks like ah mah's skin. Have to put lotion everyday....

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